Its 3Am and i lay in my bed sleepless. I have been trying too hard for last 2 hours catch some sleep so that i can be up in time for the early morning flight i need to catch for Mumbai. I finally got restless & knowing not what to do i did the most obvious thing: switch on my computer once again which i had shutdown two hours ago after customarily checking my orkut profile & gmail for any traces of mail or messages that i might have received from poor restless souls like me across the globe.
It was a thought that was eating me for last 5 days; the thought occurred to me when i was flipping through the pictures of my school time on a friends profile as to how the bunch of small kids bound together by destiny for 7 years had transformed themselves into successful & seasoned professionals through the last 8 years since we left school.
Yes the time flies fast and how 15 seasons have passed no one can guess but i share a firm belief that, put the same set of 110 students who joined sainik school Bijapur on 2nd, 3rd & 19th July 1993 now in 2008 and they will all be the same; Set of chubby kids in which many of whom learnt to speak the first letters of English only after they entered this school. From the village bumpkins who were assembled in the conference hall of SSBJ through a tough entrance exam & selection interview (how we prepared for selection & exam is a different story altogether) to fine groomed young men (yes thats what we liked to call ourselves at 17 when we passed school) the transformation had begun on the fateful day of 2nd april 2000 when we crossed the gates of SSBJ one last time as the students only to return as alumni who can only try and relive the memories.
Its funny to see how memories begin to fade so early in life. Although i am in the prime of my youth i struggle to recall the entire stay at SSBJ and barely recollect & re construct my childhood.
It is because of this thought that i should not let go of these memories that i have decided to pen down those glorious 7 years of our lives. I dont think i can do complete justice it but will nevertheless try and our it in a form of a story that any of the Ajeet (students of SSBJ: Sainik School Bijapur call themself as Ajeets) can easily relate to. Its not a story of any particular individual(s) but the protagonists of this story is a mix and match of many a characters that enlivened the atmosphere.
All the characters in this story will be original and not a figment of imagination. Yes certain amount of creative liberty will be at use.
Its 3Am and i lay in my bed sleepless. I have been trying too hard for last 2 hours catch some sleep so that i can be up in time for the early morning flight i need to catch for Mumbai. I finally got restless & knowing not what to do i did the most obvious thing: switch on my computer once again which i had shutdown two hours ago after customarily checking my orkut profile & gmail for any traces of mail or messages that i might have received from poor restless souls like me across the globe.
It was a thought that was eating me for last 5 days; the thought occurred to me when i was flipping through the pictures of my school time on a friends profile as to how the bunch of small kids bound together by destiny for 7 years had transformed themselves into successful & seasoned professionals through the last 8 years since we left school.
Yes the time flies fast and how 15 seasons have passed no one can guess but i share a firm belief that, put the same set of 110 students who joined sainik school Bijapur on 2nd, 3rd & 19th July 1993 now in 2008 and they will all be the same; Set of chubby kids in which many of whom learnt to speak the first letters of English only after they entered this school. From the village bumpkins who were assembled in the conference hall of SSBJ through a tough entrance exam & selection interview (how we prepared for selection & exam is a different story altogether) to fine groomed young men (yes thats what we liked to call ourselves at 17 when we passed school) the transformation had begun on the fateful day of 2nd april 2000 when we crossed the gates of SSBJ one last time as the students only to return as alumni who can only try and relive the memories.
Its funny to see how memories begin to fade so early in life. Although i am in the prime of my youth i struggle to recall the entire stay at SSBJ and barely recollect & re construct my childhood.
It is because of this thought that i should not let go of these memories that i have decided to pen down those glorious 7 years of our lives. I dont think i can do complete justice it but will nevertheless try and our it in a form of a story that any of the Ajeet (students of SSBJ: Sainik School Bijapur call themself as Ajeets) can easily relate to. Its not a story of any particular individual(s) but the protagonists of this story is a mix and match of many a characters that enlivened the atmosphere.
All the characters in this story will be original and not a figment of imagination. Yes certain amount of creative liberty will be at use.