
Saturday, February 11, 2006

Dinner at 6 AM

Yes, it is right. You have read it correctly. We had our dinner today at 6 in the morning. Confused? Let me give the background. We organised our senior's nite. As usual, it took a lot of coaxing and begging our beloved seniors to come and honour us with their presence in the cultural show show hosted by the juniors. The event was to start at 8pm. XL standard time(read 2 a.m.). It was good fun with our Jampot based "BOMBAY band" welcoming them and escorted them to the venue of the show. The highlight of the show being the video that our junior batch had made commemorating their stay in XL.

Whats so special about this video? Its strange feeling when you are about to complete the most fun-filled and exiting phase of your life and get ready to face the bigger challenges, the challenges to conquer. It was to prepare for these challenges that we were here for 2 years. But we forget that these fun filled days have to come to an end.

It is essentially to capture these best moments of your life so that we can cherish these things long after we have left the hallowed portals of our institution. It is a moment of mixed feelings; when joy mingles with sorrow seemlessly, when challenge of adopting to a new world beckons and the thought of arting ways with your best buddies. It is the moment when each one of us choose to go our own way, criss-crossing each other's way some time in future, but will we ever re-live these golden period of our life?

This video was special as it rekindiled old memories, renewed their josh towards the purpose that they had in mind when they joined this institute.

Hats off DRAC for having such a wonderful show. Keep it up. Long live XL and ek do teen char

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

This is a letter i wrote to a person working in a KPO/BPO and all other related industries.

i did not mean dis-respect for the job you do. But my ire is to the companies that treat indian people badly. I have already told you my concerns since i oppose the companies not respecting individuality. I told before that i object the companies calling their employees in terms of seats. This is a disgrace to the educated people who are working in their organisations. This is what i was trying to point out.
All i said was that, we Indians need to be treated on par as we are no less human beings than Americans. The ire is not just towards these bpo/call centres but also to the Software cos that make their employees work under in-human conditions. I speak about this after having heard their plight first hand. Since many of my friends are in this industry.

I am a guy who hates the companies because they do not treat their employees as human beings but as seats. Its nothing about the work you guys do. Its about dignity.